Can you believe it? We've been on the mission for 20 weeks. just 85
more to go. This week has been kinda plain. We've been making some
progress with some of our investigators, but none of them will commit
to baptism yet, but we're getting close. Two of our investigators, Dímas
y Carmen, almost came to chuch yesterday, but their daughters were
sick, so they decided to stay home with them. Ugh!
In other news, on wednesday we had the opportunity to
go to the temple again. We got a few more names done. I love going to
the temple. It's always so peaceful there, which is great cause my life
is kinda chaotic right now, trying to get everything done and helping
our investigators to progress.
Also, this past week our branch mission leader, Hermano
Servando Rojas, got released because he was leaving to serve a mission
with his wife. Guess where they're going: La Ciudad de Mexico. So, Elder
Hill, you can keep an eye out for them in the offices. They'll be
looking for you, as well. Here's what they look like:
By the way, Tyler, Happy Birthday
was telling someone about my family on friday, and I said that I have
two brothers, one older and one younger. the younger is 16... (looked at
watch to see the date) well, 17 years old now. So, don't think you've
been forgotten.
Other than that, there's not much to tell from this week.
Spanish lesson for the Dyslexic -- left and right
Derecha = Right
Izquierda = Left
Driving aplication:
A la derecha = turn my way
A la izquierda = turn your way
Well, that's all for today. I love you all.
Until next time,
-Elder Jordon Hill-
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