Monday, July 7, 2014

6/23/14 - Jordon

Wow! Where did this week go? I don't think I really have that much to report this week.
We're continuing to follow up on former investigators, and we've started trying to visit the majority of them. Not much contact, yet. It seems like there isn't really much going on in the ward, for the moment, but we press onward, ever faithful. We've been working with the leadership in the ward by visiting people they feel would benefit from us stopping by. We're keeping busy. Sometimes, it seems like we're a little too busy to get everything in. Other times, we blow through all our plans in an hour and a half. How does that work?  
Now for the information everyone is looking for. I've come to a conclusion about my return date. Contrary to the vision I had at the beginning of my mission, I've decided that I will be returning home...September 2nd. The vision I had was that DJ and I would go out together and come back together, but that will not be the case. And before you ask, yes, I've told both the Mission Office and President Nattress about this decision. There's no backing out now. For those keeping track, I'll be returning home 10 weeks from now. Spread the word. (By the way, Ashley Groll really wanted to be there at the airport to welcome me home with a big hug. Make sure she knows/Make sure she knows she can't hug me until I'm released. I'll write her a letter, too.
As for the Mario Kart challenge, Tyler, unless the controls are exactly the same for Mario Kart 8 as they are for Mario Kart Wii, I'll need a little bit of practice first. Granted, I think I'm going to need a little refresher for Mario Kart Wii as it is. But, ¡Desafío Aceptado! I'm sure we'll have plenty of match time when I come home.
That's all I have for this week. Tell "everyone" I return the "Hi" and add a "How are you?"
Until next time.
Con amor,
-Elder Jordon Hill-

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