Hola todos. ¿Cómo están? Espero que bien.
Well, I did some math this morning, and I discovered somthing: I've (we've) been on the mission for over 200 days now.
a lot. I know we hit the 25% mark a few weeks ago, but 6 months (and 3
weeks) vs 200 days sound very different. (or it does to me anyway.)
So, this week has been a bit interesting.
We have a few investigators starting to make progress. There were 3
investigators of ours who attended church yesterday; two of which I
hadn't seen there prior. Their names are Sandra and Erica. (Mother and
Daughter) They really liked church from what I understand. Although,
Elder Harder and I realized something when it came time for the
Sacrament: We hadn't actually explained everything that happens at
church. (Oops!
When the Sacrament was passed around, they were unsure of what was
going on or what they should do. We briefly explained that the bread and
water represent the body and blood of Christ, and it's to help us
remember him. They could take it if they wanted, but didn't have to. The
chose not to. We have a lesson with them today. We're planning to teach
them a bit more about church. hehe. But, things are going well with
them, so there's a possibility of a baptism in the near future.
I meet with Michelle Hooper again this week. For the most part,
this meeting was basically to discuss if I really needed to meet with
her anymore. We determined that I we had achieved our purpose, and we
didn't need to continue meeting. My mind set is quite different from
when we first started. I still have a few complaints about mission life,
but I've determined that there is no use in crying over spilt milk. So,
I just let them go and keep working my best.
Oh, and I had a run in with the police. (hehe, I can see the surprise on your face right now.
Don't worry, nothing bad happened. Elder Harder and I were proselyting
in a trailor park. We were just doing the "missionary thing" and talking
to everyone we could to find those interested in learning more. Well,
apparently one lady complained to the maintenance guy (who has never
liked us, anyway). He found us and told us that we were soliciting and
he was going to call the police. Elder Harder told him that he could go
ahead because we weren't soliciting. We went on talking to people, the
guy called the police, we talked, and the final end result is that we
weren't doing anything wrong. We went on our way, and that was the end
of it. See? Nothing bad.
However, that maintenance guy really doesn't like us, so we're gonna try to avoid him where we can.
(Solicit: Ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone; typically money.)
Other than that, nothing new this week. Business as usual.
A few weeks ago I realized something: Remember the Scout Oath and Scout Law? I do.
Scout Oath:
On my Honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my
country and to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times, to
keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
Scout Law:
A scout is: trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, curtious,
kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. (and
This sounds like the qualities of a missionary to me. (Yes, even the hungry part. Especially in spanish work.) Just a thought.
I hope you're all doing well. Tell everyone I say hi.
Con amor,
-Elder Jordon Hill
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