9/7/13 Jordon
Hola Familia.
This week like
the others has been slow. I always used to think that English work was
so much easier than Spanish, but that's only because there were always
people to teach when I was on exchanges. The finding part is still super
difficult no matter what the language.
However, despite the lack of people to teach for the moment, this
week has still been filled with activities. On Wednesday, we had Zone
Conference. That was fun. There was a bit about planning and a bit about
teaching, and there was a lot about obedience. President Nattress
apparently refers to the Mission Handbook as the "Book of Blessings". It
makes sense. If we do what we cam to obey the rules, we get blessed for
Do you remember that pointer that I bought in the MTC?
Well, apparently, it's gotten me noticed...by President Nattress. At
transfer meetings and at Zone Conference, he always asks me to lead the
music, which I enjoy doing. And, I'm not certain why, but for some
reason, whenever I pull out the pointer to conduct, I hear a little
laughter in the room.
during lunch at this last Zone Conference. Whenever, we have a meal
provided by the members in a mission meeting, such as Zone Conference,
we always sing Called to Serve to them, and after the final verse we
follow it up with "Arizona Gilbert Mission wants to thank you for this
meal!" I like to have fun when conducting, especially in circumstances
such as these. In this case, between verses of Called to Serve, I wave
the pointer in a star shape and continue into the verse, and when we
were saying the last part, I motioned to the members when we said "you".
I truly am an entertainer, aren't I?
I was also asked to conduct at a very special
meeting on Saturday. What makes this meeting so special is that Elder
Neil L Anderson came to speak to our mission. He's a great guy, and
funny too. And, for the majority of the meeting, Elder Anderson was
standing no more than five feet in front of me! And, I don't mean I was
on the front row and he was at the pulpit, he came down from the stand.
At one point, he poked my nametag as he was saying that we wear Christ's
name, and then he proceeded to read my nametag, "La Iglesia de
JESUCHRISTO de los Santos de los Ultimos Días". There were some snickers
in the room. And, I was beaming from ear to ear. I really enjoyed his
time with us.
He also mentioned that we are a very special mission. Other than a
Utah mission, our mission has one of the highest densities in any
mission, and getting denser, yet. He told us that we need to get to know
our members more and I already knew that member missionary work was
going to play a huge part in this mission. He also mentioned that if
things don't work out, that our mission will likely get enveloped back
in to the Tempe Mission. I don't expect that to happen. I don't want it
to happen. We will make this work.
So I realized last week, that I never told you what my current address is. I'm living at:
1482 E. Maiddison Cir.
San Tan Valley, AZ 85140
Be aware that this is likely going to change 3 weeks from now.
covers it for this letter. It sounds like it's chaos as usual at home,
but with a different flare. I hope everyone recovers fine.
Until next time.
Con Amor,
-Elder Jordon Hill-
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