Well, this week brought a little bit of heart break, but over all was good.
"coincidence": On Tuesday, the crux of my training at district meeting
was that people need to know who they are. As a person with amnesia
struggles from not knowing who they are, so too does every person we
talk to have difficulty in life because they don't know who they really
are as sons and daughters of their Heavenly Father. Great minds think
alike...or the spirit whispers the same message to different people at
times. Good to know we're on the same page here, Mom.
(For those not clued in, Mom sent some words of wisdom with somewhat the same message.)
Do you remember that Stake meeting we had last week?
Well, our fears were confirmed on Wednesday. We are no longer covering
Freestone Park Ward. Instead, we have been assigned over Mesquite Ward.
It was momentarily difficult to accept the change, but I know there's a
purpose for every decision affecting this work. By the way, our wards'
boundaries still don't touch. This is truely an interesting phenomenon, to me at least. It just builds my testimony stronger of this work.
Saturday, the 29th. Margaret got baptized!
WOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOO! (Picture below.) She was a bit...no, very
apprehensive and very worried about her trials, but she had the faith to
go through with it. Statistically, we were not able to report it
because of the reallocation of ward assignments (the other missionaries
got the stat, and numbers don't really matter anyway), but I'm still
counting it personally. I'm convinced that, at the least, I was in
Freestone Park Ward to get her to baptism. As soon as she was cemented
into getting baptized, I was out. The same thing happened with Brother
Aug being released as Branch President. As soon as it was certain
that DJ and I were going on missions, he was done. Even if these aren't
the reasons for why, they sound good to me. One thing I've learned over
the course of my mission is that, apparently, if I don't know why
something is the way it is, I'll make up a few supporting reasons to
ease my not knowing. Is that bad?
Me, Bro. Hanchet (in white), Margaret (also in white), Elder Jewkes |
That's all for this week. Until next time.
Con amor,
-Elder Jordon Hill-
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